13. How to add title Clips and Transitions in Camtasia 7.0?

13. How to add title Clips and Transitions in Camtasia 7.0?

Watch the tutorial on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8eWjgQL-Jg Tip to Screencast creators:
Never produce a video just as you recorded. Add some cool effects or Intros. Create a Title Clip and use it in all your screencasts. You can show your blog or website name in your blog. Here I show you how to add title clips (Intro) to your videos.

First import the video, click on "more" and click on “Title clip”. Here you can type text that you want to display in title clip (a clip which can be displayed before your main video starts). You can also upload image from your computer as background image in title clip. Once you customized your title clip, drag and drop it to timeline and play the video to see how it looks.


Click on the ‘Transitions’ icon. There are different transitions available. You can use these transitions between your title clip and main video or you can use these between splits or you can use these transitions between end title and main video.

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